terça-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2017

There are CHURCHES and "churches".

CHURCHES are Shrines of Worship to the Living God who sent His Son, The Savior,
But "carnal churches" are lair of robbers

CHURCHES are Shrines where the Life of Prayer and reading the Bible are recommended,
But "carnal churches" serve to exalt the Pastor.

CHURCHES are Shrines where Corals and Groups Praise God with Anointed Sacred Music,
But "Carnal Churches" Are Like Freshmen's Program

CHURCHES are Shrines where the congregational song thrilled by Spirituality
But "Carnal Churches" are stage to propagate singers

CHURCHES are Shrines known as the House of Prayer
But "Carnal Churches" are weekly meeting point ...

CHURCHES are Shrines where there is always a Word of God revealed to strengthen the soldier in battles,
But "Carnal Churches" are palanques for learned theologians,

CHURCHES are Shrines where the Real Presence of God is felt,
But "Carnal Churches" are Theater for Celebrities

CHURCHES are Shrines where the Consecration of someone to the Ministry is made in solemn Ceremony, after a long time of Prayer for God to reveal who will be Consecrated,
But "Carnal Churches" consecrate their workers to the purchasing power

CHURCHES are Shrines where Fraternal Love is the most important,
But "Carnal churches" are driven by self-interest

CHURCHES are Shrines where the contribution is voluntary and the financial need of the fellowship is met,
But "Carnal Churches" are commercial places where only one enriches ...

Which one do you follow?