terça-feira, 2 de julho de 2013
If the things to follow in the way I think, when happen the AR GF, this generation will watch a scene unprecedented:
The largest and most famous evangelical leaders of Brazil being arrested and deprived of their property; achieved at the expense of so many "campaigns of prosperity."
Not that I believe in the implementation of the Full Court before the Final Judgment, but I believe that God will move His Arm to express their displeasure with such travesty.
From this day forward will be much more difficult to be evangelical, as is being today.
It will be complicated to be evangelical, since people does not want to be believers in Jesus ...
Believers, the faithful of the Lord, will benefit, yes, in order to understand, once and for all, that the Sword of God is drawn only against the disobedient, the false doctrines of the inventors heads off, Elders, Presbíteras .. .
You will see where these "apostles" will end...
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Ao invés de “O Fundo do Poço” Observe o que é O Amor e a Justiça do Deus de Abraão, de Hagar e de Ismael. ...
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" Deus é Espírito , e importa que os que o adoram o adorem em espírito e em verdade. ...
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